English Cocker Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniel
Breed of Dog : English Cocker Spaniel

Originally from Spain, the ancestors of the English Cocker Spaniel were taken to England hundreds of years ago. This dog was used as a companion to men hunting birds and other small game. The word 'cocker' refers to the dog's hunting of woodcocks and it excelled at flushing game from heavy cover. The Spaniel was only separated from the American Cocker Spaniel in the 19th century.

The English Cocker Spaniel can make a great family dog. She has a great temperament, is highly trainable and loves her human family. She needs extensive exercise so either a properly fenced in back yard and or frequent vigorous walks are a necessity. She requires above average grooming care due to her long pendulous ears and her long and silky coat. She generally gets along well with other pets, especially if socialized young. She loves children but may need to calm herself down with them. As a reminder, never leave children unsupervised with a dog or puppy.

English Cocker Spaniel
Behavior:English Cocker Spaniel is excellent to leave it with children, love everyone and easy to train. It  need people a lot and general good to let him with the other dogs. English Cocker Spaniel is a average barker.

Height: 41 to 43 cm. (male); 38 to 41 cm. (female).
Weight: averages 13 to 15 kgs (male); 11 to 14 kgs. (female).

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