Chow Chow

Chow Chow Dog Breed

Breed of Dog : Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is a very old breed that is originally from China, and they are more than 2000 years old. These dogs were bred to be used for hunting, herding, pulling, and protection. They are usually referred to as "the Chow", and are now used mainly as a companion dog. Over history, the Chow Chow has been used to hunt wolves, sable and pheasant, and to pull sleds. His fur was used to trim coats. The flesh of these dogs was considered a delicacy in China (dog is still eaten in China today). This beautiful dog was first brought to England by merchants in the late 1800's.

The Chow Chow is a very independent breed by nature. They are very loyal to their owners but usually do not respond well to strangers. They have a strong following; and require a lot of attention for those that are not very educated about the breed. The Chow Chow is usually hard to get excited about much. They live comfortably and quietly by themselves and rarely see the need to move with any considerable speed, therefore demand very little exercise.
The Chow Chow is a stocky, broad-headed, powerful dog. There are two coat types, rough and smooth coated. The smooth coated variety looks like a small Akita. The most popular variety, with his thick, stand-out coat, is the rough-coated. Around his neck is a heavy mane of fur which makes the dog look rather like a lion. The head is massive and broad, with a wide muzzle.

Chow Chow is the best to leave it with older children but very wary of strangers and slightly difficult  to train. It needs people a lot and general good to let him with the other pets. It is tends to be fairly dog aggressive. Chow Chow is like to bark.

Height: averages 50 cm.
Weight: averages 32 kgs.

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